Hey there, it’s Valeria! Today, I’m sharing my honest thoughts on the Presto Pop Over Top in a short review. Let’s dive right in!

  • Instructions: The instructions for this top are straightforward, but they’re purely text-based. While the words are precise, I would have loved to see some visual aids or videos to better understand the process. Despite this, with careful reading and rereading, the instructions are clear and easy to follow.

  • Size Selection: Initially, when I purchased the pattern, there were no size options based on measurements. However, the issue seems to have been rectified now. I opted for size M, which fits me perfectly based on my measurements. The fabric I used was a medium-weight white cotton jersey, which you can check out in my fabric haul.

  • Styling and Fit: I absolutely love the styling and versatility of this top. It’s effortless to dress up or down and adds a special touch to any outfit. However, I did encounter a slight issue with the fit. The top tends to ride up on my body, especially around the waist area. I’m considering making some modifications to address this issue, possibly adjusting the waist placement.

Despite the fitting concern, I highly recommend this top for its style and ease of wear. If you’re interested, you can find the link to purchase below. Thanks for tuning in, and happy sewing! 🧵✂️

"Presto! Pop Over Top" by Savage Coco
"Presto! Pop Over Top" by Savage Coco

Have you ever worked tirelessly to create a garment that you thought you'd love, only to finish it and find out it does not look remotely like you thought it would on your body?

"Presto! Pop Over Top" by Savage Coco
"Presto! Pop Over Top" by Savage Coco
"Presto! Pop Over Top" by Savage Coco
"Presto! Pop Over Top" by Savage Coco
"Presto! Pop Over Top" by Savage Coco

Have you ever worked tirelessly to create a garment that you thought you'd love, only to finish it and find out it does not look remotely like you thought it would on your body?